Thursday, July 20, 2006

P. S. A.s and the male Prostate

Posting today about my husband's prostate, is a little difficult for me. I think I have been in some denial about Bob's P. S. A. numbers, (Prostate-specific Antigen). Bob is good about having his PSA's done every year like a good boy should at his age. He takes Palmetto Saw Grass to help. Right before we moved he had his PSA ran, and it had gone up a couple of points. That means he went to see the Urologist. Well, the Urologist referred him to one up here in Florence because we were moving. This urologist reran the PSA, and did the DRE (digital rectal examination), and he didn't feel anything wrong. Because the PSA was still up, Bob goes today for a biopsy. This is the next step in determining if he has Prostate cancer. So please pray for my dear Bob. And men please get your yearly PSA's done, starting at age 40. They are as important to men as they are to women to get their yearly Pap smears and mammograms done. Dreaded, uncomfortable, humbling, intrustive, but important(The PSA's aren't that bad.)

I was Pastor to a man who died of Prostate cancer the year before because it was found too late, and one who found it early enough to have a successful surgery. I am pastoring a man who they found his late, and well it isn't a pretty story. We are waiting to hear about my Pop, my 100 year old Grandfather, who also had prostate cancer and radiation treatments years ago. It is a possibility it didn't get it all and it has returned. Men, this is a VIP healthcare issue for you. Don't wait because of your pride, your fear, your laziness, your thinking you are immortal. Those things will cost you. I have posted several links for you to go to enable to get more information about Prostate Cancer. And spouses, friends, and lovers you should be informed to for your man's sake.

And women for God sake go get your yearly exam done. It is the best prevention you can take against cancer. I know I had cervical cancer that was found early and removed, because I do yearly exams. I also have yearly mammograms, I had a small fiborous turmor removed at age 26. Okay so this was more than just about the prostate.

But please say a prayer that the biopsy comes back clean, and if not that we will be able to handle and do what has to be done.


Unknown said...

You are both in my prayers.

Rachel Gonia said...

will keep you both in our prayers

St. Casserole said...

Abi, I'm praying for you both.

St. Casserole said...

Abi, I'm praying for you both.

Psalmist said...

Praying for both of you, dear sister. (hugs)