Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Emergency Room Visit

Yesterday, Bob started complaining of pains on his left side at about 4 o'clock. He thought it might just be flagelent gas, and would eventually pass. We went for a walk to see if it would help, instead I was the one passing gas. OOps and pepe le pew.
Well, we went home fixed supper and then ate. And he was then in greater pain.
I gave him an order, let's go now to the E. R. and not wait until midnight and then not be able to get a baby-sitter. I got up and called one of the members, but she wasn't home. Called another, see we just moved here and don't know which hospital to go to. He told me which one to take Bob. I said come on lets go. We weren't even through eating. Called the family back and asked if they would watch the kids. His response was, well sure, I thought you were going to ask a while ago. Well, my anxiety is rising, and I am trying to just focus. Drive the kids to their house, I do think to send night-night clothes in case this is a long night. Then made it to the ER. So as we are driving I say to him, has the pain got to where you are throwing up, and of course he throws up. The power of suggestion or I know about pain, yes I do. We did the 2 and1/2 hour wait in the waiting area with all the other interesting people. We got back there and had a nice nurse. It was another 1/2 hour before the Doc came in. I thought Bob was going to go get him, he was in such pain. Doc went back to order pain made nauseau meds. Bob can't take phenegren, he gets delerious with it. Another 1/2 hour and the nurse brought the meds. Bob thought it was higher than a kite with that stuff. It took another 20 minutes before it subsided. Sent him to xray, did the pee in the cup, and took blood. Welll all that it showed was a big bubble of gas. But the Doc didn't rule out Gall Bladder. Gave him some thing to get rid of the gas, and magnesium citrate to yes clean him out. We were told if he had more pain to come back today and they would do an ultra sound. Got to leave about 10:30. Took a while to calm down from all the excitement. Bob slept in the other room so as to not disturb me with all the sounds, smells, etc. Thank God.

So this morning he has no pain. So it could have been just a big ball of gas, or a stone that got in the duct and moved out with the cleaning out. But if its gall Bladder he'll go through this again, only worse. I say just take the thing out.

Now you have to know that we went through the ER thing with Bob when we moved to Wadley. After 3 visits to the ER, and trying to convince the Docs that something was seriously wrong, Bob ended up in the ICU with Guillan Barre. Scary Scary. He had a great Neuro Doc who recognized what was going on, and got him started on the meds right away. Bob never did have his lungs paralyzed like some. But it took quite a while to recover. He told me this time I could not move again if it meant getting sick like that again. M-m-m is Bob's body telling him something or telling me something? Will keep you up to date if we go again. Say some prayers that he stays healthy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Abi! How scary. I had gallbladder trouble for about 3 years, what a misery. And Guillaime-Barre - how scary! No wonder you were so worried!

Praying for all of you for health and peace of mind.

HeyJules said...

So glad he's okay! How scary!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, you did have a scary night! I hope he's feeling better today.

Carmen Andres said...

tears in my eyes as i read this. i'm glad everything's okay so far. you are in my prayers.

hip2b said...

Oh how scary. Quick prayer for you guys!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Are things okay now? I'm commenting a bit late--it is Wed. night.

Sally said...

Praying all is now well- not my choice of fun places to go the ER!

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers for good health. Glad you didn't wait to go the ER!