Monday, August 28, 2006

prayers for the Gulf Coasts areas

These are the group of clergywomen, and laity that went and worked on First UMC in Pass Christian. This church was also destroyed by hurricane Camille and rebuilt. The whole area was just about all flattened. It was a sobering sight. I am choosing not to post the pictures of the area, because well they are all over the internet. I wanted to show you that people cared then and they still care.

Yesterday in church we prayed for the areas affected by hurricane Katrina, and the areas in the path of Hurricane Ernesto. It seems such a small gesture to an area so deeply traumatized.

In honor of them, I wanted to show pictures of the work teams I have gone with down to Miss.

God we want to pray for our brothers and sisters who are living in Post Traumatic Stress, living in trailers, living somewhere else than the home they knew. We pray as they come up on this time of rememberance, and as hurricane season has begun, the fears and tensions begin to rise. We pray for the rebuilding of not just buildings but of lives that were effected by Katrina. We pray for the churches that were just wiped out, and shells of empty buildings, but not empty of you God. They have been so willing to welcome and host those coming to work, and help. God you comforted your people in their time of exile, we pray you do so now. Strengthen the Pastors, counselors, and the helping persons. God be with those who not only lost possessions but lost friends and family. God helps us who can be your hands and feet and to do your work as needed.

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