Friday, August 18, 2006

True Confessions or My Secret

I was reading what the Church of Starving Artists had to say about True Confessions. In this post they talked about the different kinds of confessions people have made to them. And then make an elusion to Mr. Karr's confession to killing a 6 yr old girl. The truth is that we need confession. More of it.I'm all for going directly to the Almighty, but nevertheless wish we were better at going to each other. Which is way harder than going straight to God. Face to face. Eye to eye. No rich mahogany walk-in closet with privacy grill needed.

I grew up learning to confess my sins to Jesus. I really did not know about Roman Catholic confessionals. I believed we didn't need a priest that I could go to Jesus. When I grew up and worked as a Pastoral Counselor, I hear all kinds of confessions and secrets. People will often say I can't tell you, its too bad, and I know you have never heard something this bad before. And with encouragement I would listen, nonjudgementally and we together would offer those up to God for forgiveness as needed, and encouragement to ask forgiveness when they have hurt others.

But I have got to say this is the first time I have seen or read about something like this. See what you think

Check Out This Church Site:
, one of the fastest growing churches in America, has posted a new Web site called MySecret, where people can go online and "confess" their sins.

Hat tip to Corey Miller at Church Communicators Blog

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