Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Quote of the day from Blaise Pascal

Faith is different from proof; the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God. - Blaise Pascal

A little about Blaise Pascal:

Blaise Pascal was a very influential French mathematician and philosopher who contributed to many areas of mathematics. He worked on conic sections and projective geometry and in correspondence with Fermat he laid the foundations for the theory of probability. Pascal worked on conic sections and produced important theorems in projective geometry. In correspondence with Fermat he laid the foundation for the theory of probability. Among the contemporaries of Descartes none displayed greater natural genius than Pascal, but his mathematical reputation rests more on what he might have done than on what he actually effected, as during a considerable part of his life he deemed it his duty to devote his whole time to religious exercises. In 1650, when in the midst of these researches, Pascal suddenly abandoned his favorite pursuits to study religion, or, as he says in his Pensées, ``contemplate the greatness and the misery of man''

Want to read Pensées, you go to this link. They also have his Provencial Letters, that includes his letters to the Jesuits.

Someone once gave me a copy of Pensées, and I did not know what I had in my hands. Can you imagine that this man Pascal who had beautiful mind could be known for his Mathmatic theories and teachings, instead choose to focus his whole time to religious exercises, and they called it "what he might have been or done". How many today see that time spent on getting to know God as "what might have been or done". What a royal waste of time, it could be called. I sometimes wonder if I spend enough time getting to know God, and in the Spiritual Disciplines.
And I wonder what I might be if I did spend more time, and what I might be able to do.

I like the quote for today. "Faith is different from proof; the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God." How many times do we refuse the gift from God. Perhaps like me a lot, "I don't have time today God, got to go do important stuff." How many times do we not recognize the gift of faith from God, and instead get angry at God saying, "Why, God?" "Where are you, God?" Perhaps like me a lot. I want proof more often than I want the gift. God forgive me for turning down the gift of faith you have for me. Have mercy on me. Empower me and enlighten me to recieve your gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great stuff Abi. Time with God is always a big investment.