Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pentecost Sunday Prayer

Dear God,
The sermon is written. The bulletins are printed. The communion elements are ready. I think we got all the ducks in a row. No wait, the Preacher is still half asleep, trying to quickly pour mega tons of caffeine into her system so she can wake up. Forgive me, but getting back from conference at 9 o'clock at night on Saturday is ludicrous. God help me to let go of my anger about that, help me to be awake enough to deliver the words you speak through me. Come Holy Spirit, I love that prayer from the Emmaus Community.....

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy Your consolations. Through Christ our Lord.

Lord not only inspire me with the Holy Spirit, but inspire all my sisters and brothers preaching your message today. Inspire your faithful with Your love, oh the fire of Your love! Renew us Lord, renew the face of the earth. Renew your church.

Lord listening to the report about the statistics of the North Alabama Conference was depressing, or maybe more realistic, maybe we are finally reporting true numbers instead of falsifying reports. I know it is discouraging to Bishop Willimon, uplift him Lord as he is your servant here, trying to challenge us, lead us in a new way, trying new things to spread your kingdom here on earth. God some of it is scary, yet your love casts out fear, so cast out the fear in me with your love that the fire of the Holy Spirit continues to be at work through me.

Come Holy Spirit come.

Theresa Coleman has this prayer posted at her blog "reverend mommy's random thoughts" for Pentecost. Here is another link to prayers for this Pentecost Sunday by Katherine Hawker at Outside the Box. Kevin Smalls at the UMC Board of Discipleship Worship Homepage has this to offer for Pentecost Sunday. And if you want to pray for the world with others for the Power of the Holy Spirit at work in the world go here. The Holy Spirit is a fire, fire burns, and cannot be put out by the world, but the Holy Spirit acts and acts through each one of us!


Iris Godfrey said...

Thank you for your prayers. You bless me.

In Him,

Unknown said...

Ah,and as always you bless me Iris.
Thank you.