Thursday, May 31, 2007

MP3s Questions and other doodles

I am thinking about purchasing a MP3 player. I have been studying the MP3s that are out there. I have read the CNET, and other reviews. I even done the comparison thing. It seems like it keeps getting back to Apple IPod. But even IPod has some limitations. Now I want to know what the real users think. I want to know your thoughts. How you use it. Why I should spend the money, although I did ask Santa for one, but didn't get it. He was broke at the time. Do you listen to music, listen to books, pod casts, or watch movies, videos, look at pictures? Is it worth your money? Do you use it while walking, riding bikes, in-line skating, excersising or while driving your car or sitting at your desk? Does it work to your liking? Please don't get too technical or use less geeky language. I appreciate your thoughts?

And finally, I will be gone to the North Alabama Conference today through late Saturday. What's the big events? Tonight the clergywomen are gathering after the memorial service. We get to hear Bishop Janice Huie at Ordination. We are voting for jurisdictional and general conference delegates. It is a compressed meeting, but last year with voting we were there late, so it could happen again. We are meeting at Clear Branch church out in Clay, NE Birmingham, one of our big churches, and not at Birmingham Southern. Our special offering goes to the Nothing But Nets.


Terri said...

I don't own an MP3, yet. (can't afford one at the moment). But I do know lots of folks who do. And my husband had done loads of research because that's what he does. Anyway. The iPod is the way to go, I hear. It is the most durable and long lasting, easy to use, etc...I know folks who purchased the other brands only to eventually get the iPod...

But. I can't speak from my own experience. However. If (when) I but one I'll go iPod. (But then I like Apple products, so I'm biased). That's my two cents on the topic.

Art said...

I love my iPod. I use it constantly (almost) but only for music. It is easy to use and integrates perfectly with both the iTunes software/store and my non-apple computer. I've never thought of using anything else.

Cathy said...

I love my Ipod - from music to podcasts to the occasional book - YES!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I did get an IPod nano for Christmas. So far I have used it very little, mostly because I haven't figured out how to plug it into my car right yet. If I could do that I'd use it a lot!

I do use it some when I walk with the dogs. I have downloaded podcasts of Pray as you Go, also knitting stuff and some of my favorite authors. And you can find just about any music to download...though I had to have help to figure out the search function.

My public library has audiobooks available for MP3 download! I can't wait until I can use that and not have to check out the cassette or audiobook cases....

I love it and plan to love it more when I use it more!

:)have a great trip!

1-4 Grace said...

I have an iPod Nano. It was a gift, so I did not do comparison shopping. I have also foudn the Apple "help" line to be great. You ahve to speak to a computer voice, but he (let's call him Hal) is very smart and will help out if you get confussed...liek me!
I mainly use mine for listnign to music and have "bought" several songs online thru iTunes. Most of your youth can show you how it is doen. I also "loaded songs on my computer and then added then to my ipod. It can "hold" up to 1000 songs.
I take mine anytime I travel, when I am walking, and foudn it helpful on a youth retreat when all the snores, talking in sleep, and rustling covers kept me awake.
I have not done this, but I understand thru my youth that you can purchase on doo-ma-jigger (this is not a technical name!)
to play your ipod on a radio station with static. They still give me a hard time about changing radio stations because all I heard was static( so, static is good, it is static that you play the iPod on).
Also you can gt speakers to play the ipod loud, like in your office and Walgreens sells a massage chair thingy for about $50 that you hook to iPod and lsitne to tunes while getting a massage.
Okay, that is all I know.

Iris Godfrey said...

I own an ipod mini (purchased before the nano's came out)and enjoy it very much when I have time to use it. I listen to Bible teaching, sermons, and music as I walk with it. I have found it easy to work with. Would do it again.

Amy said...

I love my ipod nano. I use it for walks. I have a thingy in the kitchen that I plug it into, and I listen to it when I'm making supper. I also have something to plug it into my sound system in the car.

I have a few podcasts that I listen to every week, but mostly I listen to music. Lots of music.

Jennifer said...

I have a Creative Zen 2 mg. It was inexpensive and is very easy to use. I listen to music mostly, but I've only had it for a week. I'm sure it will do more!

Anonymous said...

My kids all use ipods - as far as I know just for music. The youngest's ipod broke just out of warranty and apple replaced it with a returned/refurbished nano, which they said was better because it doesn't have its own hard drive, so there is less to break (I paid a very discounted price for this as they agreed from the condition of the original ipod that she had taken very good care of it). If you have an old walkman-type converter (a cassette tape with a cable to connect to the walkman - or ipod) and your car has a tape player, you can plug the converter into the ipod and play it through your car's stereo.

Anonymous said...

There are three features worth having on an MP3 player: 1. A radio; 2. The ability to record into MP3 format as well as just play (so you could play an old, cherished cassette into your MP3 player and have it there with the rest of your MP3s) 3. What they call "removable disk drive support" - can't think of a simple name for this, but it means that you can just plug it into the USB socket of your computer, and it appears as a "removable drive" (on My Computer if you have a PC) just like a memory stick. Then you can just "drag and drop" files across to it. This is better than having to install some special software to get your MP3 player to talk to your computer. Bottom line is, iPods score zero out of three on these criteria, which is why I don't recommend them. They're beautiful, aesthetic things, and I can see why people love them, but Creative and Cowon and other manufacturers make products that feature-wise are just better. Why buy one with no radio when you can get one with a radio for about the same price?