Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcoming the children

Sunday morning I preached on the lectionary passage from Mark 9:30-37. Its about Jesus telling the disciples that in order to be the greatest they had to be last and servant of all. He then took a child in his arms, embracing the child and told them that 37“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”

By that afternoon we were hosting over 20 adopted children from China at the church who were learning some Chinese dances. These included our three. These children remind me of the child that Jesus welcomed in that they were throw away children just as the children Jesus spoke of. Next Saturday is the New Moon Festival where they will dance and get to be with other adopted children and their families from China. So many times Zachary has been the only boy in the group. Today there was another adopted boy there. The two really hooked up and got along. I think it was good for him and we plan to get them together more often.

On Sunday evening, we had children's choirs and Faith Finders with over 87 children. I got to serve them their meals that evening, while Bob was a children's helper. I had the best time getting them their meals, and helping the little ones clean up afterwards. You know I figure if I am going to preach something I hope I can find a way of living it out in my life. And what better way than welcoming the children, being a servant and last of all.

Looking forward to being with the kids again soon. And looking forward to the New Moon Festival.

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