Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Prayer

Forgiving and ever merciful God, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Help us to forgive when it is the hard thing to do. Help us to forgive one another for the slights, and big hurts as well just as you have forgiven us. Help us to remember that when we forgive we let go of wounds, pain, hurt and anger that would bind us and keep us from being free. Help us to remember that forgiveness does not mean we have to stay in abusive relationships or situations. Lord thank you again for the multitude of forgiveness that you have for all.

Lord as we remember this week the events of 9/11, help us to forgive those who caused these acts. Help us to continue to support and encourage those who were traumatized that day and those who still deeply miss their loved ones.

And Lord once again we lift up those in Texas and surrounding areas that have been impacted by hurricane Ike. We pray for the other countries that have also been impacted by the recent hurricanes. Help us to reach to out to our brothers and sisters in these areas with loving kindness and good will. Amen.

cross posted at revgalblogpals and my personal blog

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