Monday, December 31, 2007

Last post of 2007

Here it is the end of 2007. Wow, I can't believe it. Wasn't it summer just a few months ago or something like that? It has been year of learning and growing and stretching myself. Everything I learned in Seminary well, almost everything seems to be obsolete these days. Now it seems like you have to have a degree in business administration, management, social work, pastoral care, preaching and etc. I have had to keep reading, going to seminars, attending conferences to learn the new ways of Pastoring. And I feel like I am still behind the curve.

I love watching my kids grow and learn and play. And even with that I have had to learn things about parenting. Learning doesn't stop does it? God help us if we choose to stop learning. My kids are learning things in school at their age that I didn't learn until later, and they are learning it in a different way. I can't help them with the new way so they are teaching me. All three are in dance, and well, I never had the opportunity to learn dance, so I just watch and clap and cheer. Kara is learning piano, and I did learn piano, so I have been able to help her with piano. They played softball and machine pitch ball, so I could help them with that since I was a good ball player. When we return, they will be playing in the community league basketball games. Uh I was pretty short, so this was not one of my forte, and I even broke a finger playing. I'll leave that one for the coaches.

We had a really good visit with my sister and mom. Now we are up in Columbus with son and family. I get to go visit with a friend this afternoon. Then we will see the new year in with John and Liz. Yea.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Rev SS said...

Here's to more new growth in the new year ... may the learning continue .. and may it be a good new year for you and yours.