Wednesday, April 12, 2006

We will now resume with our regular Holy Week Marathon

Well, after a stay in the hospital, we are back home.
In the afternoon, I received a call from the NP, after a discussion, we agreed he needed to be in the hospital. So rounded things up, fed the dogs, called someone to take care of the girls. Called Bob to tell him where we were headed. Loaded Zachary up, and went to the hospital. The NP told me we had a direct admit, but what that means is not what one might think it means. It just meant we didn't have to go to the ER first, sit there for hours and then be admitted. It still means you have to fill out a bunch of paperwork. But as soon as that was done, they hooked him up to an iv of saline and antibiotic. He did not like the needle part at all, but made it through it. Sat in my lap most of the time, and then slept with me. Needless to say, I am tired. But he woke up this morning in a better mood, ate breakfast, and played. The Doctor gave him one more round of iv antibiotics. Told us that Zachary probably did have Strep throat even though the first test didn't show it. We got to come home after lunch, and boy was he glad. We all were. Bob took him home, and I headed to Wal-Mart to get the prescription filled. (That's another story.)

Even though the recent report shows that intecessory prayer doesn't work, I still believe in prayer, the power of prayer, and the purpose of intercessary prayer. So I want to thank all of you who prayed for Zachary and us. Besides I am Methodist, and we have started this new ad campaign about the power of prayer.

Now I can return to Holy Week activities. But I think I will have to wait to write some posts, update my sermons, and any other activity that might be extra curricular. God bless you all.

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