Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter is on Sunday, will your church cancel its worship services?

I read somewhere, and I can’t find the post, that one Pastor told the regular church members to stay away Easter Sunday, so that there would be plenty of room for the *CEO visitors. We were always told come to the early service, and park far away. We won’t have that many visitors due to they just don’t come out and visit here where we are, they are gone to the grandparents. I wondered after I read about the Pastor who told his members to stay away; if then someone would decide to not have church on Sunday, since Easter fell on Sunday, you know, like when Christmas fell on Sunday. Sorry, but we do Sunday no matter what holiday it is. One of the Pastors that was serving here before my time, used to cancel on the 5th Sunday. We, instead have gotten creative with the fifth Sunday, you never know what we are going to do, or how I am going to preach.

Well they did, read the next post to see....

* Christmas and Easter Only