Thursday, December 27, 2007

A trip to the Doc-in-a-box

For those who haven't heard the term before, the Doc-in-a-box is an urgent care Doctor or a walk-in-clinic. I had to go to one this morning. I thought I had some flea bites, but no...yes you guessed it. I have Shingles. Yep, I woke up in the middle of the night uncomfortable and decided to check WebMD about my symptoms. I had already guessed it, but I guess I didn't want to know it was true. This morning I told Bob he was going to have to take me to a Doctor. We got there before the crowd, so we didn't have a long wait, and weren't there long at all. He gave me the necessary perscriptions and off we went to get them filled. The long wait was getting the insurance to pay for the perscriptions. The anti-virus is very expensive. But they did pay. So now I am back at my sister's and started a course of the medication. The Doc thought we had caught it soon enough for the med to be effective. Rats, on vacation and I get sick. Poohey, but at least we caught it before it was a major breakout. I came home to get mom, Bob and my sister to play some cards. I don't care if I win, just something to take my mind off of it. Denise and mom took the kids swimming and on a picnic. They said they were pretty good until it was time to come out of the pool.


seethroughfaith said...

oh no! poor you!

Terri said...

Oh, daughter has had Shingles twice...I do hope you got the meds early enough to have a mild case...prayers for you!

Cathy said...

I think I have just had a very minor case of shingles - it was a line of sores on my hip and the pain was deep like nerve pain - came and went. now the sores are gone, but the pain is still there.

DogBlogger said...

Aw, dang it... yes, I do hope you got the meds early enough. That timing can make a huge difference.

Lori said...

Rats Abi! Shingles! I've had those. Twice in the same place. When the doctor told me it wasn't possible I just glared at him. Those things are painful.

And on vacation too. You are stealing all my luck, girlfriend!

Hope you are better very soon.

zorra said...

I'm so sorry! I have heard shingles are a miserable thing to have. I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Abi, I hope your shingles respond well to the anti-viral meds. My former husband had them recently and was miserable. With any luck yours will be short-lived. (Is there any other time to get sick besides vacation??)