Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Leadership Book Awards

Over at Christianity Today; Leadership Journal.net, they have put together a list of the ten books of 2008 deemed most valuable for church leaders. They have named it the Golden Canon. It is interesting to me that even though it means list they like the image of a canon and have included in the journal. Is there something to that? I think so. They divided it up by one's inner world and outer world of leadership. Have a look and let me know what you think.
Here's the list for your Outer World:
The Reason for God Belief in an age of skepticism by Tim Keller (Dutton)
Culture Making Recovering our creative calling by Andy Crouch (IVP)
Axiom Powerful leadership proverbs by Bill Hybels (Zondervan)
Consuming Jesus Beyond race and class divisions in a consumer church by Paul Louis Metzger (Eerdmans)
Church Unique How missional leaders cast vision, capture culture, and create movement by Will Mancini (Jossey-Bass)

Now for the Inner World:
Surprised by Hope Rethinking heaven, the resurrection, and the mission of the church by N.T. Wright (HarperOne)
The Jesus Way A conversation on the ways that Jesus is the Way by Eugene Peterson (Eerdmans)
The Attentive Life Discerning God's presence in all things by Leighton Ford (IVP)
Life with God Reading the Bible for spiritual transformation by Richard Foster (HarperOne)
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor The life and reflections of Tom Carson by D.A. Carson (Crossway)

Okay now tell me what you see. That's right, no books by women. I guess we aren't leaders or we just don't write good books for leaders in churches. But wait, maybe you know of a woman who leads or a good book about leadership that is written by a woman.

I am bothered by the title the Golden Canon and the image they chose to represent it also.


Pastor Sherill said...

I wanted to chime in with something profound but the only one of the golden canon I have read is N.T. Wright's book (which I do recommend!).

I have on my shelf (but have not yet read) Nancy Beach's (of Willow Creek) book "Gifted to Lead: The Art of Leading as a Woman in the Church." But now that you mention it, this is the only book by a woman in my stack of church related books. Although I have nearly bought Phyllis Tickle's "The Great Emergence" several times.

Deb said...

I do like N.T. Wright. My boss reads to us from "Axiom" which I find to be re-runs of the same old leadership junque. It stuns me, however, that not a single book could be found "worthy" which was written by a woman.

It's almost enough to make me cancel my subscription and invest the money in CBE.

It's like the rant I went on when I had to read a preaching "how to" book that suggested that the preacher "have your wife check your tie before you go up on the platform."

make me barf... or at least bitch a little.


Auntie Knickers said...

It's not very likely to appear on any list or canon from Christianity Today, but I was really glad to have read Take This Bread by Sara Miles this past year. Although she is considered a Deacon at St. Gregory of Nyssa (ECUSA)I'm not clear on whether she ended up seeking ordination in a formal, denominational manner. However, her book is such a wonderful example of lay leadership in the congregation. I think this is really important for the future of the church (and the sanity of the clergy, who shouldn't have to do everything!) I believe this was already an RGBP book discussion selection, but I urge reading it for anyone who missed it. I suspect I am unlikely to read any of the books other than Mr. Wright's.