Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanking God for you Friday Five

Phillipians 1:3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.

Singing Owl leads us in the Friday five from the revgalblogpals with the following; I'm musing about giving thanks for people today, partly because Americans celebrated our annual Thanksgiving holiday yesterday (I try not to just make this holiday "turkey day" even though its main feature seems to be eating till one is nearly comatose) and partly because I read the above verse this morning. It started me thinking about individuals in my life for whom I give thanks. For this post-Thanksgiving Day Friday Five, share with us "Five People For Whom You Give Thanks to God" and maybe tell us why they are significant.

1. My mom; well that says it all, she is my mom and God knew it sure would take her to raise a child like me.

2. My husband; he married me that is the significance, and God knew it would take him to be married to a woman like me.

3. 4. & 5. My three children; all of them are significant to me, and God knew it would take all three to raise a mom like me.

The bonus person; All the above are alive, but I am grateful for those who have long since died but who played a significant part in my becoming the person I have become.


Sally said...

Love # 3,4 &5, it is so true that in many ways our kids raise us!!!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Families are wonderful when they are wonderful. ;-) Great cartoon too, Abi!