Saturday, November 03, 2007

Friday Five: Interviews

Mother Laura at revgalblogpals posted this Friday Five, but I am answering it on Saturday, what's new. Songbird just had an interview for a "vague and interesting" possibility, and More Cows than People is doing campus visits for doctoral programs. There always seem to be a few RevGals applying for new positions, and I just got my first call for this year's preliminary interviews for college teaching jobs at the American Academy of Religion meeting in San Diego coming up in a few weeks. It's for my dream job among this year's offerings, and I am flipflopping between excitement and nervousness. So please keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for everyone facing such conversations, and share your thoughts on the wonderful world of interviews:

1. What was the most memorable interview you ever had? I think it has to be the interview for Pastoral Counselor at the Pastoral Institute/Bradley Center in Columbus GA. It was memorable, because I think I was interviewed by every one from the janitor to the CEO and in between. But it was memorable because it was enjoyable as well.

2. Have you ever been the interviewer rather than the interviewee? If so, are you a tiger, a creampuff, or somewhere in between? Yes, I have been the Interviewer. I try to be me, and it is a balancing act and a case of discernment of when to come on strong and when to lie low.

3. Do phone interviews make you more or less nervous than in-person ones?I have not had much luck with phone interviews, I can't tell what the non verbal communication is. And so I have missed the nuances, and not interveiwed well.

4. What was the best advice you ever got to prepare for an interview? Be yourself, remain calm yet energetic to a point. Have some relevent questions to ask also, remembering you are interviewing them also.. How about the worst? Not sure, really, I'll have to think on that one.

5. Do you have any pre-interview rituals that give you confidence? I remind myself, that it is not the end of the world if I don't get the posistion, and that at the same time, disappointment is a natural response. I deep breathe and pray. I think about what is it I am wanting to know also. I try to imagine myself, confident, thoughtful and real. I also focus on my strengths, and think of a growing edge that I am willing to disclose.

cartoon by Randy Glasbergen


Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Good play, RevAbi.

1-4 Grace said...

Excellent thoguths and ideas. I need to remmeber these as i continue the "search."