Friday Five from the revgalblogpals brought to you by reverendmother.
Well friends, this is one of those weeks when I simply must work today, which is normally my day off. I know, I know. We may tut-tut all we want, but the fact is, some weeks are like that.
So, this week's F5 is simple.Name five things you plan to do today.
1. The Bulletin,
2. a lunch meeting with the Hospice Chaplain,
3. a meeting with the Social Worker from Lifeline Adoption Agency for the One Year update on Zachary,
4. Clean and Pickup for #3.
and 5. Work on my sermon.
Bonus: If today is about "have-to" for you as well, share up to five things you'd like to be doing today. Yes, it is a bunch of have-tos, but I was gone for over a week with other things, and I am playing catch-up big time. I'll play tomorrow or maybe next week. or maybe never. (LOL) So here goes of what I would like to do;
1. See a movie,
2. read and finish one of the novels I have started but not finished.
3. go for a long hike somewhere beautiful, peaceful.
4. play.
5. Send the kids to a babysitter and spend the rest of the day with my hubby. (Use your imagination.)
Thanks reverendmother. And I am not tut-tuting you at all.
Thanks! Sometimes it just is what it is.
Can't wait until Monday (comp Sabbath) though.
Sounds like a productive day, and I hope you get to do some of your "want tos" and not just the "have tos" this weekend.
I should not dare to interrupt your more weighty affairs with a letter of mine, did I not hold you to be a disciple of Him who would not have the smoking flax quenched nor the bruised reed broken. But since I am entirely convinced of this, I beg of you that in your prayers and the prayers of the Church that sojourns with you, I may be commended to God, to be instructed in true poverty of spirit, in gentleness, in faith, and love of God and my neighbor. And, whenever you have a little leisure, do not disdain to offer to God this short prayer, which I have heard frequently offered by your brethren at Savannah (would they were mine also!):
Then the dauntless mind
Which, to Jesus joined,
Neither life nor treasure prizes,
And all fleshly lusts despises,
Grant him, Highest Good,
Through Thy precious blood.
God's most humble servant, I remain,
John Wesley
Judging from your most energetically efficient first list I'd bet you're gonna have time for a leisurely stroll through your second.
Enjoy your day.
Thanks for reminding me about bulletins--now I have to add a #6 to my list :)
your wants to sound terrific!
great play!
love your wish list, and hope the meeting from the real list goes well.
Peace and blessings
Nice of John W to drop in too - didn't know he was a RevGal??
Welcome back Abi, been thinking about you.
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