Saturday, August 30, 2008


It is hard to believe that we have been here for three months. As one person said it seems like you have been here a lot longer. It has been a busy three months. Alot of mental transitions to make and learn. They do worship differently here, and I have goofed several times, even though I try to be prepared. And of course there is all those little things no one has told you about that are done a certain way and you find out as you go along. But even with it being busy it has been a good time, and I feel I am transtioning into Trinity well.

The kids are now back at school, and I tell you that has been a hard transition for them, especially Zachary. I think he really worried about friends and being liked. He had so many of them in Florence and he grieved them alot. They also have a different way of teaching grammar and math here. I even had had a hard time with helping the kids with it. It reminds me of when they went to the new math and the parents complained so much. But we have really had to deal with the kids emotions and behavior with the change.

And we have been in the transition to the new home from the old home. The kids have begun to like this house. I have trouble with some things are upstairs and other things are downstairs. I used to do laundry at night, and clean the kitchen at night. The laundry is down stairs where the kid's rooms are and so no doing laundry at night, well I do fold them at night upstairs. The kitchen and dining room is right over two of the kid's rooms and they hear every little footstep and noise, so I try to do that before they go to bed. Bob is busy repairing, painting, getting old wallpaper down, tearing up carpet and putting down new flooring. I don't know if from one day to the next if I can go into a room or not. We have got to redo the kitchen and I think that is going to mean eating out quite a bit since it needs a new stove as well. Everything is dark and darker, so we are lightening up the house, and it looks a lot better. He has accomplished a lot in a short time, but that means the regular day to day cleaning doesn't always get done. Oh well.

I'll try to be better about blogging and making time for it some how some way. This morning I could do it cause the kids were out with Bob washing cars. Yea

I thought I would include a picture of the kids helping take off the wallpaper and one of them not working.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A prayer for Sunday

Gracious and loving God,

We come to you having spent ourselves in preparation for leading in worship, preaching and other duties of being a Pastor. We come some of us with heavy hearts, physical ailments, tired minds, weary souls and overworked bodies. We ask for your grace to face these hours, to deliver your message to your people, to stand strong when called to do so, to bring the healing touch to those who need it, to be the calm presence in the midst of the storms of life. We ask for your Holy Spirit to empower us with your love, your grace, and your mercy. We take this time Lord for the nurturing of our souls that we may serve you this day and all the days of our lives. Amen.

cross posted at revgalblogpals and my preaching blog

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday's Prayer

Sometimes it seems like the boat we are in is too small and is being tossed to and fro in the storms of life. Lord calm our storms, calm us. Sometimes our fear is so great that even though we might want to walk on water we sink, reach out your hand to us Lord. Reach out your hand to those who are trying to walk faithfully in the midst of the storms of their lives. Lord help us when we have little faith, Help those around us who have little or no faith. Amen

Sunday Prayer

Sometimes it seems like the boat we are in is too small and is being tossed to and fro in the storms of life. Lord calm our storms, calm us. Sometimes our fear is so great that even though we might want to walk on water we sink, reach out your hand to us Lord. Reach out your hand to those who are trying to walk faithfully in the midst of the storms of their lives. Lord help us when we have little faith, Help those around us who have little or no faith. Amen