Lord on this second Sunday of lent we come lifting our hearts in praise of adoration to you.
And we also come to you as your children seeking a word for our lives.
We come thirsty for your grace.
Lord many of us come with our burdens desiring to have our burdens lifted.
Many of us come with broken hearts looking to have our hearts mended.
Many of us come not just sick in our bodies, but sick in our souls, seeking a healing from you.
But Lord we don’t just come for ourselves, we come with prayers for all people everywhere.
We know that just as you wept over Jerusalem you weep for your world.
And you long to take your people up in your arms of love just as a mother hen would.
And you long for your justice and will to be done.
And Lord we too long for your will and justice to be done
for our hearts beak too for the many injustices in this world.
O Lord, shelter us here and in Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Jerusalem and in every part of the world.
And we also come to you as your children seeking a word for our lives.
We come thirsty for your grace.
Lord many of us come with our burdens desiring to have our burdens lifted.
Many of us come with broken hearts looking to have our hearts mended.
Many of us come not just sick in our bodies, but sick in our souls, seeking a healing from you.
But Lord we don’t just come for ourselves, we come with prayers for all people everywhere.
We know that just as you wept over Jerusalem you weep for your world.
And you long to take your people up in your arms of love just as a mother hen would.
And you long for your justice and will to be done.
And Lord we too long for your will and justice to be done
for our hearts beak too for the many injustices in this world.
O Lord, shelter us here and in Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Jerusalem and in every part of the world.
cross posted at revgalblogpals